6215 Wahl Road, Freeland, WA 98249
The Farm Stand will be open soon!
We're super excited for another amazing year!
We offer fresh, organic produce, flowers, and eggs.
Please contact us if you have questions or wish to be added to our Farm Friends email to get weekly updates on Farm Stand hours and offerings, which may be more up-to-date than this site!
Tomatoes, peppers, sweet corn, garlic, flowers, mixed and bunched greens, onions, eggplant, melons, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets, peas, squash, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries and SO MUCH more.....
Nettle Forest Farm was our vision from the first moment we met, when we shared our mutual dream of creating a small farm. Five years later, in the Fall of 2015, after a cross country move and finding the property of our dreams, we planted our first garlic beds (protected by poultry netting). In the years since, we've grown it into a third-of-an-acre organic vegetable farm and a fruit orchard.
Our farm is not a commercial enterprise. It doesn’t look like a commercial farm and we don’t intend for it to grow into one. Since the initial tilling of the little abandoned pasture in 2015, all the work to create the farm has been done with our own hands.
Our vision has been for the property to remain wild, in spite of the undeniable change our presence has brought. And it is wild - not just on the edges - and this intention flows into the low-till, organic, and biodynamic inspired food we grow.
We truly believe in the importance and radical nature of choosing to feed ourselves from our locale, as a step towards sustainability, personal and community resilience, and opting out of the carbon intensive industrial food system (including industrial organic).
We’ve come a long way, and are thrilled to have the farm stand open on Wahl Road to share with our neighbors. It may not grow much beyond that, but who knows?